北米版タクティクスオウガ 運命の輪 地名

北米版タクティクスオウガ サムネイル


World Map

Phidoch Castle【フィダック城】
The chalk used in the construction of this castle’s walls gives Phidoch its nickname: “The Swan.” It is nonetheless a powerful fortress situated in the middle of the island.
Phidoch South Curtain Wall【フィダック城南】
Phidoch West Curtain Wall【フィダック城西】
The area before the gates of the Swan. A second wall was added beyond the first during the war.
Phidoch Great Hall【フィダック城城内】
The great hall of the castle. Here King Dorgalua rallied his troops to strike at Rodrick’s army during the war.
The Arkhaiopolis Rhime【古都ライム】
This ancient city, site of the first battle between Galgastani and Walister, has stood for centuries.
Delakroa Common【旧市街デラ・クロア広場】
Torakoria Way【旧市街トラ・コリア通り】
The Golborza Plain【ゴルボルザ平原】
A great grassland spreading across central Almorica.
Almorica Castle【アルモリカ城】
This castle was once the seat of power in Old Almorica. It was taken by Duke Ronwey before the outbreak of war.
The Gates of Almorica【アルモリカ城城門前】
Almorica Passageway【アルモリカ城城内】
A small corridor leading to the Castellan’s chambers. The walls are unadorned, as befits the walls of a stronghold on this war-torn island.
A port town on Galdochae, known as Oberon’s Pearl in better days. Its once-beautiful walls now bear the scars of war.
Golyat Quayside【港町ゴリアテ埠頭】
A port twon on Galdochae, known as “Oberon’s Pearl” in better days. Its once-beautiful walls now bear the scars of war.
Golyat South Village【港町ゴリアテ居住区南】
Golyat Sailors Way【港町ゴリアテ大通り】
Golyat North Village【港町ゴリアテ居住区北】
Mount Weobry【ウェオブリ山】
An active volcano in the Burnham Massif, a mountain range rising in the island’s central region. After 120 years of slumber, the volcano reawakened upon the death of King Dorgalua.
White limestone formations jut like teeth from the top of this gentle, grassy hill.
Before the time of Dorgalua, this town in the Almorica marches was the center of a cult worshipping the Sea God Vusque.
Qadriga Fortress【クァドリガ砦】
These ruins of an ancient keep mark the scene of the great battle between King Dorgalua and King Rodrick, who once vied for control of the islands.
Within the Fortress【砦内部】
Temple of Nestharot, 1st Descent【ネッサローの神殿B1】
An ancient temple to Nestharot, Goddess of Lightning.
Temple of Nestharot, 2nd Descent【ネッサローの神殿B2】
Temple of Nestharot, 3rd Descent【ネッサローの神殿B3】
Temple of Nestharot, 4th Descent【ネッサローの神殿B4】
Sanctum of Nestharot【ネッサローの神殿 至聖所】
The deepest level of the temple. Here one is closest to Nestharot, it is said.
The Reisan Way【レイゼン街道】
The ancient Valerians laid the cobblestones for this road here over 1,000 years ago. Even today it serves to connect the various regions of the island together.
Coritanae Keep【コリタニ城】
A fitting fortress to guard one of the richest regions on the islands. Coritanae Keep was built on a rocky outcropping in the middle of the Xeod, giving it natural protection from invaders.
The Gates of Coritanae【コリタニ城城門前】
Coritanae Ward【コリタニ城城内】
The remnants of an indoor garden. Water was once sluiced to the sides of the central corridor to feed the trees that grew here.
The Psonji Weald【スウォンジーの森】
A great primordial forest, spanning the lowlands shared by Almorica and Coritanae.
Lake Bordu【ボルドュー湖畔】
Several rivers feed into this marsh-bound lake in the west of Coritanae.
Bahanna Highlands【バハンナ高原】
Jineh trees grow on the gentle slopes of these snow-covered plains.
Rhea Boum Aqueduct【リィ・ブム水道】
The aqueduct was constructed in ancient times, though now more cracks run through it than water. Some travelers use the dry passage as an alternative to walking the highroad.
Xeod Moors【ゾード湿原】
A vast wetlands in the middle of the Coritanae Region, made rich by the flow of the Xeod.
A coal-mining town in the middle of the Bahm range; the houses here sprung up around the mineshafts.
Port Asyton【港町アシュトン】
The sole port in the Brigantys Region, Asyton enjoys vigorous trade as the gateway to the Western Obero Sea.
Brigantys Castle【ブリガンテス城】
Seated on the high tundra of the Brigania Flats, Brigantys Castle is snowbound throughout the year.
Brigantys South Curtain Wall【ブリガンテス城南】
Brigantys West Curtain Wall【ブリガンテス城西】
The western side of the castle, facing the Holboss. Part of the wall damaged during the war.
Brigantys Great Hall【ブリガンテス城城内】
A spacious audience hall, as starkly furnished as any of the great castles of Valeria.
Port Omish【港町オミシュ】
Pirates are known to gather at this port on the Obero Sea. Even in Dorgalua’s time, it was known as a lawless place.
Mount Hedon【ヘドン山】
An active volcano towering over the center of Banhamuba. Even now, molten lava flow daily from its crater.
Hagia Banhamuba【バンハムーバの神殿】
An ancient temple built to worship Ishtar, Goddess of Light and War.
Ndamsa Fortress【ダムサ砦】
The ancient ruins of a mighty fortress, constructed to defend the island of Deknigos from invasion.
Within the Fortress【砦内部】
Temple of Hahnela, 1st Descent【ハーネラの神殿B1】
An ancient temple to Hahnela, Goddess of Air.
Temple of Hahnela, 2nd Descent【ハーネラの神殿B2】
Temple of Hahnela, 3rd Descent【ハーネラの神殿B3】
Temple of Hahnela, 4th Descent【ハーネラの神殿B4】
Sanctum of Hahnela【ハーネラの神殿 至聖所】
The deepest level of the temple. Here one is closest to Hahnela, it is said.
Madura Drift【マドュラ氷原】
The massive sheets of ice covering this land endure the four seasons without melting.
Belmorose Highwilds【ベルモルーゼ台地】
A high plain, dotted with sparse patches of grass. The unusual abundance of fauna is likely due to the lack of settlements here.
A small village founded by followers of the Sea God Vasque. They came here to escape persecution when the Order of Philaha rose to prominence, forcing adherents to older gods to convert of flee.
Lhazan Fortress【ラザン砦】
A crumbling fastness in the north of Exeter, built to serve as a lighthouse for passing ships.
Within the Fortress【砦内部】
Temple of Lyuneram, 1st Descent【リューネラムの神殿B1】
An ancient temple to Lyuneram, Goddess of Ice.
Temple of Lyuneram, 2nd Descent【リューネラムの神殿B2】
Temple of Lyuneram, 3rd Descent【リューネラムの神殿B3】
Temple of Lyuneram, 4th Descent【リューネラムの神殿B4】
Sanctum of Lyuneram【リューネラムの神殿 至聖所】
The deepest level of the temple. Here one is closest to Lyuneram, it is said.
Bortegun Fens【ボーテーゲン平原】
The miasma that flows from the Palace of the Dead has turned this once lush swamp into a weed-choked poisonous fen.
The Vanessan Way【ヴァネッサ街道】
The ancient Valerians laid the cobblestones for this road here over 1,000 years ago. Even today it serves to connect the various regions of the island together.
Lambiss Hill【ランベスの丘】
Waves beat tirelessly against the sheer cliffs of this hill on the Bay of Gobanda.
Tzorious Field【ゾリューシ油田】
Once this corner of the Tzorious Desert was a major site of tar pits, from which flaming pitch could be produced. Though most of the pits dried up from overuse during the Great War, pitch still erupts from the old fissures now and then.
Barnicia Castle【バーニシア城】
Former seat of power in Old Barnicia. Its walls still bear the scars of the “Water the Burns.” flaming balls of tar that were used to lay siege to the castle during the war.
The Gates of Barnicia【バーニシア城城門前】
Barnicia Courtyard【バーニシア城中庭】
The once-beautiful garden here is now no more than ruins, scarred in places by flaming pitch.
Barnicia Grand Staircase【バーニシア城城内】
A story tells that former master of the castle. Duke Clemont, was assassinated as he walked up these stairs leading to the throne room.
Geyld Fortress【ゲルド砦】
This fortress overlooking the island of Xoamon was built to defend the northern border of Barnicia.
Temple of Greuza, 1st Descent【グルーザの神殿B1】
An ancient temple to Greuza, Goddess of Water.
Temple of Greuza, 2nd Descent【グルーザの神殿B2】
Temple of Greuza, 3rd Descent【グルーザの神殿B3】
Temple of Greuza, 4th Descent【グルーザの神殿B4】
Sanctum of Greuza【グルーザの神殿 至聖所】
The deepest level of the temple. Here one is closest to Greuza, it is said.
The Leupha Coast【ルッファ海岸】
A beautiful seacoast on the easternmost side of the main island of Valeria, known for its expansive coral reefs and white, sandy beaches.
People walk from roof to roof in the strange fortress-town with no roads.
Neimrahava Wood【ニムラハバの森】
Deohe’s infamous “Forest of Death.” Much of this swampy wood is overgrown with poisonous mold.
Gecho Fortress【ゲッコー砦】
An abandoned fortress on Beneceunga, originally an ancient temple.
Within the Fortress【砦内部】
Temple of Vaasa, 1st Descent【バーサの神殿B1】
An ancient temple to Vaasa, Goddess of Earth.
Temple of Vaasa, 2nd Descent【バーサの神殿B2】
Temple of Vaasa, 3rd Descent【バーサの神殿B3】
Temple of Vaasa, 4th Descent【バーサの神殿B4】
Sanctum of Vaasa【バーサの神殿 至聖所】
The deepest level of the temple. Here one is closest to Vaasa, it is said.
Boed Fortress【ボード砦】
The ruins of an ancient fortress built to serve as a watch tower on Phaesta Minor.
Temple of Xoshonell, 1st Descent【ゾショネルの神殿B1】
An ancient temple to Xoshonell, Goddess of Fire.
Temple of Xoshonell, 2nd Descent【ゾショネルの神殿B2】
Temple of Xoshonell, 3rd Descent【ゾショネルの神殿B3】
Temple of Xoshonell, 4th Descent【ゾショネルの神殿B4】
Sanctum of Xoshonell【ゾショネルの神殿 至聖所】
The deepest level of the temple. Here one is closest to Xoshonell, it is said.
Boulder Sands【ボルダー砂漠】
Ancient ruins lie half-buried in the sands of the desert that spreads across the middle of Barnicia.
Iorumza Canyon【ヨルオムザ峡谷】
The waters of the Iorum carved this great canyon out of the rock over countless centuries.
A town in the deepest reaches of Ioumen Vale, Oeram’s houses were built on the steeply sloped canyon sides to avoid the gale-force winds that rip down the middle.
The Royal City of Heim【王都ハイム】
Capital of the Valerian Kingdom, built by King Dorgalua after he claimed the throne. Heim serves both as palace and as mighty fortress, ringed by three impressive walls woven past three moats in a maze-like pattern, intended to confuse and delay would-be invaders.
The Gates of Heim【ハイム城城門前】
The walls at the front of Heim Castle were built unusually strong for a time when no enemies posed an imminent threat to the city.
Heim South Curtain Wall【ハイム城南】
This courtyard toward the front of Heim Castle is designed as a vertical garden, with several levels ascending like stairs.
Heim Postern Gate【ハイム城裏門前】
The walls around Heim Castle are degree larger than those around other castle on the island.
Heim Courtyard【ハイム城中庭】
This courtyard garden on the southern side of Heim Castle is protected by the castle’s maze-like walls and three moats.
Heim Great Hall【ハイム城城内】
A hall befitting a grand palace, despite the looting during the war of the silver and gold that once adorned the walls.
The Hanging Gardens【空中庭園】
This tower built in the midst of a barren desert rises level after level, each step more laden with verdant vegetation than that last.
Foot of the Gardens【1F 空中庭園入り口】
King Dorgalua had these Hanging Gardens built as a gesture of affection toward his queen, Vernotta.
The serpent’s spine【2F 水蛇の背】
The sluice gates to the Hanging Gardens. Excess water was released here to control water levels in the gardens. Parts were built to work in aeternum.
His Fist Upraised【3F 拳を握る男】
A statue of a god molded in pure gold once rested on this floor. It was stolen during the war.
Echoes of Her Passage【4F 踵を鳴らす女】
A statue of a goddess molded in pure silver once rested on this floor. It was stolen during the war.
Tears of Topaz【5F 黄玉の涙】
According to rumor, the waterway here was once lined with tipaz stone.
Verdant Stair【6F 青の回廊】
A steep stair facing the north, thought to be for emergency use during an attack.
Songs of Raven Hair【7F 奏でる黒髪】
Black-haired entertainers from faraway lands once played and sang here from morning till night.
Enraptured Dreams【8F 至福の夢】
A playroom designed by King Dorgalua himself for his son, born when Dorgalua was already well-on in years.
Hold High Your Cups【9F 美酒の祭壇】
Here, during times of peace, the King would share wine with the knights who had fought for his throne.
Halcyon Days【10F 蜜月の日々】
One of the King’s favorite parts of the gardens. How charming the swirling flower petals, how delicious the fruit, and how beautiful the maidens.
The Beast Has Fangs【11F 牙を剥く獣】
The hippogryph that served as the King’s steed in war was stabled here.
Vermillion Stair【12F 赤の回廊】
This corridor was used as a landing for shipments of food and other provisions to the gardens.
Sounding of the Hours【13F 時を刻む音色】
Following the death of the Prince, the King sat long hours here before illness took him.
Faith and Devotion【14F 警戒の間】
Thinking that the Prince’s death had been his own doing, the King here offered himself to the gods hoping to do penance.
Sharp and Cold the Stars【15F 星を眺める者】
After the Prince’s death, the Queen spent much of her time here, gazing up at the stars.
Ebon Stair【16F 黒の回廊】
This passageway used to lead to the uppermost level, but was closed when the Prince fell from here to his death.
Ivory Stair【17F 白の回廊】
A passageway leading to the uppermost level. Here the Prince ascended to the next world, led by a heavenly host.
Twixt Heaven and Earth【18F 天と地の狭間】
The uppermost level of the Hanging Gardens. A flame burned here for 100 days in an offering that the Prince’s soul might find rest after his death.
Heart of the Gardens【地下墓地】
The Tomb Below【地下墓地入り口】
The Tomb of King Dorgalua is a forbidden place, a giant cavern beneath the Hanging Gardens.
Relics of the Past【旧時代の遺跡】
Ancient ruins buried deep below the Hanging Gardens.
Chamber of the Seal【封印の間】
There is an ill feel to the air here in the deepest level of the caverns.
Phorampa Wildwood【フランパ大森林】
A great forest that spreads across the Gunaw Highlands in the south of the Burnham massif. The treacherous terrain and teeming wildlife have largely saved this area from the ravages of war.


Adventurer’s Gap【誘いの裂目】
Snowment Stream【凍解の渓流】
Phorampa’s Doorstep【フランパの前庭】
The Howling Hills【風抜ける丘陵】
Field of Fallen Shadow【斜影の原】
Untrodden Marsh【未踏の湿地帯】
The Feral Shore【野獣達の水辺】
Gunagua Headwater【グナワの水源】
Whisper of Leaf and Water【緑揺れる湖沼】
Lie Down in Green Pastures【因衰の緑野】
The Frostfen【凍水の小沼】
Scenic Knoll【風致の丘】
Land of the Supplicant【仰望の地】
Wonder at the Gods Above【神変の大虚】
Heart of the Wildwood【フランパ大森林 深奥部】
The Pirate’s Graveyard【海賊の墓場】
Treacherous currents have filled the waters around this promontory with the shattered skeletons of shipwrecked boats. Horrible monsters and restless spirits are said to make their abode here among the spray jagged rock.
Cape of Spite【怨嗟の岬】
Astride the Border【幽明の境界】
A natural labyrinth created by the dripping subterranean water and the seawater that rushes in with the tides. The salt in the water has crystallized throughout much of the cave.


Crystal Halls【結晶回廊】
Valley of Shadow and Light【明闇の谷間】
Crumbling Garden【崩落の庭面】
Ripples of Grief【嘆きの水紋】
Memories of Turquoise【青碧の大空洞】
Wonder’s Hollow【幻惑の迫処】
Bosom of the Sea God【海神の懐】
Midline Rift【中央断層】
On Holy Ground【海賊の墓場 聖域】
Into the Darkness【海賊の墓場 深淵】
Palace of the Dead【死者の宮殿】
It is custom among warriors bound for the Palace of the Dead to first distribute their worldly possessions among a already-grieving family and friends.
Palace of the Dead――Level 1~99
All who enter this dungeon, abandon what little hope ye may yet have.


Palace of the Dead――Level 2
Many are the mage who, bent on studying the evil ways of the ancients, delved into these dungeons in search of dusty spellbooks and the knowledge they contain.
Palace of the Dead――Level 3
Ancient writings mention a device found somewhere on this level that opens the way further down into the dungeons.
Palace――Altar of the Beyond
The 100th level of the Palace of the Dead, this place has the feel of an ancient ceremonial space to it.
Palace of the Dead――Level 101~114
A hidden level within the Palace of the Dead, it seems to lead on to the very Abyss…


Palace――Chamber of the Seal【死者の宮殿 封印の間】
The very deepest level of the Palace of the Dead. The time for hope is long since passed.
San Bronsa Ruins【サン・ブロンサ遺跡】
During the Great War, King Rodrick unleashed the power of the Apocrypha to vanquish an entire city, the remains of which float as an island among the clouds.
Tower of Eternal――Level 1~13【転律の塔】
This building is the only one to survive the devastation of the city by Apocypha. It is said that Dorgalua patterned his Hanging Gardens on these ruins.
Floating Ruins――Level 1~15【浮遊遺跡群】
During the Great War, King Rodrick unleashed the power of the Apocypha to vanquish an entire city, the remains of which float as an island among the clouds.
Floating Ruins――Central Garden【浮遊遺跡群 中央庭園】
This garden once stood in the middle of San Bronsa. The effects of the incredible power that gathered here can still be felt.