北米版タクティクスオウガ 運命の輪 所属部隊

北米版タクティクスオウガ サムネイル



The order formed when Denam joined the Walister Resistance.
Walister Resistance【ウォルスタ解放軍】
Walister freedom fighters――though their enemies prefer to call them rebels.
Kingdom of Galgastan【ガルガスタン王国】
The Galgastani people, whose realm spans the regions of Coritanae and Brigantys.
New Walister Alliance【ネオ・ウォルスタ解放同盟】
An alliance of various like-minded groups formed by Vyce Bozeck.
The Liberation Front【ヴァレリア解放戦線】
A group who aspire to the late King Dorgalua’s vision of a united Valeria.
Bakram-Valerian Kingdom【バクラム・ヴァレリア王国】
The Bakram people, whose realm spans the regions of Barnicia and Phidoch.
Order of Philaha【フィラーハ教団】
The religion followed by the great majority of Valerians.
Tigers of Burnham【バーナムの虎】
A band of armed insurgents who make their stronghold in the Burnham Highlands. They seek to establish a “true” Valerian kingdom.
Kingdom of New Xenobia【新生ゼノビア王国】
The people of a powerful kingdom on the eastern continent of Xytegenia.
Holy Lodissian Empire【ローディス教国】
The people of a vast military state on the northern continent of Galicia.
Faithless warriors and knifemen who hire themselves out to the highest bidder.
Knights and soldiers of broken armies who refuse to give up their struggle.
Cutthroats and thieves who kill for sport and steal from the weak.
Sailors who plunder and pillage on the high seas. Worship of the old gods is still common among them.
Ordinary people with no particular military or political affiliation. They look on as other war.