北米版タクティクスオウガ 運命の輪 所属部隊
自軍(プレイヤーが名付けた騎士団名) |
The order formed when Denam joined the Walister Resistance.
※「Denam」の部分はゲームスタート時のプレイヤーの入力した名前になる。 |
Walister Resistance【ウォルスタ解放軍】 |
Walister freedom fighters――though their enemies prefer to call them rebels. |
Kingdom of Galgastan【ガルガスタン王国】 |
The Galgastani people, whose realm spans the regions of Coritanae and Brigantys. |
New Walister Alliance【ネオ・ウォルスタ解放同盟】 |
An alliance of various like-minded groups formed by Vyce Bozeck. |
The Liberation Front【ヴァレリア解放戦線】 |
A group who aspire to the late King Dorgalua’s vision of a united Valeria. |
Bakram-Valerian Kingdom【バクラム・ヴァレリア王国】 |
The Bakram people, whose realm spans the regions of Barnicia and Phidoch. |
Order of Philaha【フィラーハ教団】 |
The religion followed by the great majority of Valerians. |
Tigers of Burnham【バーナムの虎】 |
A band of armed insurgents who make their stronghold in the Burnham Highlands. They seek to establish a “true” Valerian kingdom. |
Kingdom of New Xenobia【新生ゼノビア王国】 |
The people of a powerful kingdom on the eastern continent of Xytegenia. |
Holy Lodissian Empire【ローディス教国】 |
The people of a vast military state on the northern continent of Galicia. |
Headhunters【賞金稼ぎ】 |
Faithless warriors and knifemen who hire themselves out to the highest bidder. |
Remnants【敗残兵】 |
Knights and soldiers of broken armies who refuse to give up their struggle. |
Highwaymen【盗賊】 |
Cutthroats and thieves who kill for sport and steal from the weak. |
Pirates【海賊】 |
Sailors who plunder and pillage on the high seas. Worship of the old gods is still common among them. |
Commons【民間人】 |
Ordinary people with no particular military or political affiliation. They look on as other war. |