北米版タクティクスオウガ 運命の輪 精霊魔法・氷

北米版タクティクスオウガ サムネイル


Ice Magic

Grimoire Glace(氷刃の呪文書)
O queen with breath as cold as ice, your heart is colder still; a blade of frost become, to cut the land beneath!
Grimoire Congelation(雪崩の呪文書)
Freezing white the breath that robs the warmth of life and turns the air to ice!
Grimoire Wendigo(氷精の呪文書)
Spirit-king of ice and snow, with blizzard come――unto your hands i give the power of life and death.
Ice Requiem【アイスレクイエム】
Grimoire Grandfroid(波凍の呪文書)
Wyrm-king come from northern sea, give to my foes their crowns of ice, turn all to frozen earth!
Instill Ice【フロストアタッチ】
Grimoire Infuglace(恵氷の呪文書)
O fist of ice, cold ice like steel, give frost to blade and spill both blood and warmth of life!
Grimoire Antiglace(耐冷の呪文書)
Sea-rime upon this blade, disperse, pull back these icy hands of white!
Icy Focus【チルフォーカス】
Grimoire Serenite(明鏡の呪文書)
Spirits as calm as icy plains, an arrow flies of magic born――strike true your mark!
Indomitable Will【イラプティブフォース】
Grimoire Fragilisant(障破の呪文書)
Twisting shards of blazing ice, wipe cloud from eye and fear from heart, false paling fall before your truth!
Numbing Cold【ナミングコールド】
Grimoire Engourdissant(凍惑の呪文書)
Icy the fog that tumbles turning, disturbing the heart to turn dark magics from their path!
Freezing Gust【フリージングガスト】
Grimoire Gelant(氷絡の呪文書)
Air laden with a frigid breath, wrench down the wings that dance through sky and hurl them to the ground!