Fire Magic
Sparksphere【スパークスフィア】 |
Grimoire Bouledefeu(炎弾の呪文書) Come now to my hands, o crimson flame piercing the sky; a red comet you are, herald of doom! |
Firestorm【ファイアストーム】 |
Grimoire Flammes(紅蓮の呪文書) Xoshonell, goddess of fire, by your name command, spirits of flame, do ye my bidding! |
Salamander【サラマンダー】 |
Grimoire Salamandre(火精の呪文書) By pact bound fast in flames of hell, beast of fire, i command you: come! |
Supernova【スーパーノヴァ】 |
Grimoire Calcination(灼光の呪文書) Like sun-sphere descends from heavens high, come down to scorch the earth to ash! |
Instill Fire【パイロアタッチ】 |
Grimoire Infufeu(恵炎の呪文書) Into my blade, come burning sun, give fleeting aid unto this dweller on the earth. |
Pyroguard【パイロガード】 |
Grimoire Antifeu(耐火の呪文書) Give unto me your unseen shield, your skin of soot; protect this self from burning blade. |
Flame Fusion【フレイムフュージョン】 |
Grimoire Enflammant(躍炎の呪文書) Burn bright in my heart, flame of courage, wildfire in my hand. To you i give the power of fire, the power of destruction! |
Pyroclastic Flow【バーニングフロー】 |
Grimoire Brulant(焦無の呪文書) O primal fire, rise up and stand, to burn the barriers ‘fore our blades, turn them to ash! |
Misery【ミゼラブルボディ】 |
Grimoire Calcinant(弱骸の呪文書) My flame is cold and without mercy, your sinewy strength to burn away, your will to wither! |
Brimstone【ブリムストン】 |
Grimoire Fumerolle(獄煙の呪文書) Dance up upon the burning wind, venom fire, sear air and breath! |