War Dances
Lion Dance【獅子神楽の舞】 |
Treatise on Courage(勇舞秘帖) …The voice rang out, the heavens shook. then did the shining tiger come, lending courage to those who saw his terrible glory… |
Harvest Dance【五穀豊穣の舞】 |
Treatise on Safety(安舞秘帖) …So did the grain of life grow rich; land and people both knew health and the favor of the gods… |
Bellows Dance【蹈鞴の舞】 |
Treatise on Resolve(堅舞秘帖) …The heavy boots crushed sand to black iron. “fashion from it a shield!” the monger said… |
Shriving Dance【祓捨刃の舞】 |
Treatise on Cleansing(負舞秘帖) …The sword he swung, a gift from the gods, and pain was banished… |
Comely Dance【磐長姫の舞】 |
Treatise on Inferiority(劣舞秘帖) …A dance not of joy but a bellows to hate-fire. the steps become a song, a curse upon flesh… |
Bedeviling Dance【八十鬼の舞】 |
Treatise on Excess(過舞秘帖) …And the demons thronged, clinging to boot and mail, dragging him down like a suit of iron… |
Envigorating Dance【敦盛の舞】 |
Treatise on Technique(技舞秘帖) …What a choice to bow, before enemy sworn, and sheath the sword… |
Demonpetal Dance【花夜叉の舞】 |
Treatise on Seduction(誘舞秘帖) …She danced a dance of beauty and night-flowers, and all who saw were taken with fever… |