Human【人間系】 |
The most common race. Includes members of the winged as well. |
Beast【魔獣系】 |
Great creatures sometimes called monsters. Many possess unique and powerful abilities. Gryphons, cockatrices, and cyclopes are but a few example. |
Reptile【爬虫類系】 |
A crude race with limited intellect. The lizardman and lamia are two of the more common examples. |
Dragon【竜系】 |
Massive creatures whose very breath is destruction. Many dragons possess a strong elemental affinity. |
Divine【聖霊系】 |
The origins of this race are unknown. Indeed, it is rare that they appear before the other races at all. |
Umbra【悪魔系】 |
Fiends that have given their souls to the Dark. Though they share no common shape or appearance, all are creatures to be feared. |
Faerie【精霊系】 |
Though delicate and graceful, these sprites possess powerful abilities and can strike with lightning-fast attacks. |
Phantom【死霊系】 |
Even in death, these creatures still hunger for the lives they once had. Their outward appearance mirrors the from they held in life, but there is no reason behind those cold eyes. |
Golem【人形系】 |
Beings animated by powerful magics. Their abilities very with the materials used in their creation. |