Wind Dervish【鎌鼬の術】 |
Scroll of Windshear(風遁の巻) Come now, beast of wind eternally my blade shines cutting all it sees. |
Sand spider【土蜘蛛の術】 |
Scroll of Earthshear(土遁の巻) Come now, beast of earth a wave upon the mountains swallowing my foes. |
Chimaera【鵺の術】 |
Scroll of Stormshear(雷遁の巻) Come, beast of lightning your bolts blazing across sky smite the fools to ground. |
Water Tiger【水虎の術】 |
Scroll of Waveshear(水遁の巻) Come, beast of water let shine your sharp claws to rend all who dare approach. |
Fire Snake【騰蛇の術】 |
Scroll of Flameshear(火遁の巻) Come, beast of fire fan the flames of hell and scorch all who would harm me. |
Rime Raven【八咫烏の術】 |
Scroll of Iceshear(氷遁の巻) Come now, beast of ice wield the raging blizzard winds lay waste to the weak. |
Shadowbind【影縫いの術】 |
Scroll of Shadow(影の巻) To bind your shadow is to bind the body fast there is no escape. |
Leaping Monkey【猿飛びの術】 |
Scroll of the Monkey(猿の巻) Leap from tree to tree roam across mountain and field light as a feather. |
Waterstep【水蜘蛛の術】 |
Scroll of the Strider(蜘蛛の巻) Waves rise not to me tread upon the flattest path slide without a sound. |
Decoy【空蝉の術】 |
Scroll of the Cicada(蝉の巻) Strike at my body but my body it is not blade cutting the air. |
Bridle【轡掛りの術】 |
Scroll of the Reins(轡の巻) Lilting song trails off mouth bound fast by unseen chains a scream without sound. |
Benumb【蝦蟇口の術】 |
Scroll of the Toad(蝦蟇の巻) The slight graze of blade no longer your own master your senses betrayed. |
Envenom【蠱毒の術】 |
Scroll of the Spider(蟲の巻) Fell secret magics the darkened blade stands as proof rot body and heart. |