北米版タクティクスオウガ 運命の輪 忍術

北米版タクティクスオウガ サムネイル



Wind Dervish【鎌鼬の術】
Scroll of Windshear(風遁の巻)
Come now, beast of wind
eternally my blade shines
cutting all it sees.
Sand spider【土蜘蛛の術】
Scroll of Earthshear(土遁の巻)
Come now, beast of earth
a wave upon the mountains
swallowing my foes.
Scroll of Stormshear(雷遁の巻)
Come, beast of lightning
your bolts blazing across sky
smite the fools to ground.
Water Tiger【水虎の術】
Scroll of Waveshear(水遁の巻)
Come, beast of water
let shine your sharp claws to rend
all who dare approach.
Fire Snake【騰蛇の術】
Scroll of Flameshear(火遁の巻)
Come, beast of fire
fan the flames of hell and scorch
all who would harm me.
Rime Raven【八咫烏の術】
Scroll of Iceshear(氷遁の巻)
Come now, beast of ice
wield the raging blizzard winds
lay waste to the weak.
Scroll of Shadow(影の巻)
To bind your shadow
is to bind the body fast
there is no escape.
Leaping Monkey【猿飛びの術】
Scroll of the Monkey(猿の巻)
Leap from tree to tree
roam across mountain and field
light as a feather.
Scroll of the Strider(蜘蛛の巻)
Waves rise not to me
tread upon the flattest path
slide without a sound.
Scroll of the Cicada(蝉の巻)
Strike at my body
but my body it is not
blade cutting the air.
Scroll of the Reins(轡の巻)
Lilting song trails off
mouth bound fast by unseen chains
a scream without sound.
Scroll of the Toad(蝦蟇の巻)
The slight graze of blade
no longer your own master
your senses betrayed.
Scroll of the Spider(蟲の巻)
Fell secret magics
the darkened blade stands as proof
rot body and heart.