北米版タクティクスオウガ 運命の輪 称号

北米版タクティクスオウガ サムネイル



Hero of Golyat【ゴリアテの若き英雄】
Rescued Duke Ronwey from imprisonment in Almorica Castle.
Corpse Dancer【屍と踊る男】
Confronted the Necromancer Nybeth at Qadriga Fortress and put an end to his dark experiments.
Freedom Fighter【ウォルスタの独立を望む者】
Spoke with Cistina at the Arkhaiopolis of Rhime and told her you fought for Walister freedom.
Peace Seeker【真の平和を望む者】
Spoke with Cistina at the Arkhaiopolis of Rhime and told her you fought to secure peace throughout Valeria.
He Who Fights Alone【共闘を拒絶する者】
Spoke with Cistina at the Arkhaiopolis of Rhime and told her you would never join forces with another faction.
The Impassive【ことなかれ主義】
Allowed the Galgastani to kill Cistina at the Arkhaiopolis of Rhime because she was of another faction.
Fallen Hero【汚れた英雄】
Refused to participate in Duke Ronwey’s heartless plan to massacre the innocents of Balmamusa, for which you were than blamed and made a wanted man.
Butcher of Golyat【ゴリアテの虐殺王】
Carried out Duke Ronwey’s chilling plan to slay the five thousand innocents in Balmamusa.
The Merciful【敵の命を救う者】
Came to Arycelle’s aid on Xeod Moors, even though she had once sought to take your life.
The Unfaithful【親友に刃を向ける者】
Turned against Vyce, your lifelong friends, on Tynemouth Hill.
Man of Proven Worth【身の証を立てし者】
Joined forces with Arycelle――one of the few who knew the truth of Balmamusa――and fought free of a trap laid by Vyce.
Helpful Spirit【互助の精神を持つ者】
Agreed to help rescue Cistina from the pirates who took her captive.
The Selfish【己を優先する者】
Refused to help rescue Cistina from pirates for fear your pursuers might catch you.
Man Among Friends【仲間と共に進む者】
Befriended members of the Liberation Front at Boed Fortress.
The Unhearing【受け入れざる者】
Refused to hear the pleas of the Liberation Front at Boed Fortress.
The Hero Returned【帰還した英雄】
Heeded Sir Leonar’s entreaty to return to the Resistance.
Man of Principles【理想を追い続ける者】
Refused Sir Leonar’s entreaty to return to the Resistance.
Saved Xapan the Mercenary from pirates at Qadriga Fortress.
Hand of Justice【殺戮王を破りし者】
Defeated Galgastani High Commander Gatialo at Tynemouth Hill.
Man of Resolve【覚悟を持つ者】
Joined Sir Leonar in his plot to assassinate Duke Ronwey and seize control of the Resistance.
He Who Shuns Duty【責から逃れる者】
Refused to support Sir Leonar’s plot to assassinate Duke Ronwey and seize control of the Resistance.
Leader of Men【新たなる指導者】
Struck down Sir Leonar after he slew Duke Ronwey becoming the leader of the Resistance.
Dark Knight Slayer【暗黒騎士を破りし者】
Slew the Dark Knight Oz at Boed Fortress and rescued Cerya.
Miracle Worker【窮地を救う者】
Rescued Sir Leonar from imprisonment in Qadriga Fortress.
Savior of the Dead【屍人の救済者】
Saved Sir Dievold and Oelias from a horde of undead at Port Asyton.
Free of Souls【魂の解放者】
Defeated the Necromancer Nybeth at Ndamsa Fortress and freed the soul of Sir Gildas.
Defender of Almorica【アルモニカの守護者】
Drove the remnants of the Galgastani army out of hiding in Golyat.
Slayer of the Dying【亡国の残党を討ちし者】
Defeated Sir Xaebos, commander of the Galgastani army remnants, at Coritanae Keep.
Man of Deeds【己の正義を貫く者】
Recaptured Coritanae Keep from the remnants of the Galgastani army to prevent the suffering of innocents.
Untarnished Hero【汚れなき英雄】
Defeated Sir Xaebos, commander of the remnants of the Galgastani army, at Brigantys Castle.
The Unflinching【定めに立ち向かう者】
Saved the blind swordsman Hobyrim from the Resistance on the Bahanna Highlands.
He of Open Eyes【想いを託されし者】
Slew Sir Leonar in a duel at Coritanae Keep and learned of Duke Ronwey’s plot.
Arbiter of the Game【陰謀を止める者】
Slew Sir Leonar at Coritanae Keep and learned of Duke Ronwey’s plot.
Dark Knight Scourge【暗黒騎士を退けし者】
Defeated Oz at Boed Fortress and put the Dark Knights to rout.
Man of the Sword【任務に徹する者】
Told the Galgastani you met at Brigantys Castle that the people of Galgastan were your enemy.
Man of No Illusions【真の敵を知る者】
Told the Galgastani you met at Brigantys Castle that the people of Galgastan were not your enemy.
The Conqueror【国を取る者】
Took Coritanae Keep and brought Hierophant Balbatos to justice.
Destroyer of Galgastan【ガルガスタン軍を滅ぼす者】
Defeated Sir Xaebos, commander of the Galgastani army remnants, at Almorica Castle.
He Who Walks In Darkness【闇を進む者】
Defeated the Bakram forces under the command of Dark Knight Ozma and rescued the blind swordsman Hobyrim at the Arkhaiopolis of Rhime.
Southron Liberator【南ヴァレリアの解放者】
Drove the Dark Knight from Phidoch castle and wrested control of the south of Valeria.
Blood-stained Hero【血塗れの英雄】
Journeyed to Brigantys Castle to parley with the Order of Philaha, but you were unable to avoid bloodshed.
Man of Peace【平和主義者】
Journeyed to Brigantys Cstle, alone and unarmed, to parley with the Order of Philaha.
Princess Slayer【王女殺し】
Brought about Catiua’s death in the battle with the Dark Knights at Barnicia Castle.
Tragic Hero【悲運の英雄】
Captured Barnicia Castle only to watch as Catiua took her own life.
Princess Savior【王女を救いし英雄】
Stormed Barnicia Castle and rescued Catiua from the Dark Knights.
Bringer of Peace【内乱に終止符を打つ者】
Defeated Regent Brantyn at the Royal City of Heim, enabling Catiua to declare an end to the blood war.
Bringer of Strife【覇道を歩む者】
Told your war council that the Resistance’s sacking of Heim was an unavoidable evil.
Bringer of Order【秩序を正す者】
Told your war council that the members of the Resistance responsible for the sacking of Heim would be punished.
Ruler of Valeria【ヴァレリアの指導者】
Allowed Catiua to die before the final battle at the Royal City of Heim.
He Who Treads Holy Ground【聖地にたどり着きし者】
Left the treasure in the Pirate’s Graveyard undisturbed.
Grave Robber【財宝の収奪者】
Plundered the treasure from the Pirate’s Graveyard.
He Who Walks the Deeps【深淵へと踏み出す者】
Discovered the secret door on the third level of the Palace of the Dead, allowing access to the depths bellow.
Necromancer Scourge【堕ちた魔術師を討伐せし者】
Defeated the Necromancer Nybeth who had embraced death and become a lich.
Dynast-King Slayer【闇の覇王を討伐せし者】
Defeated Dorgalua, the Dynast-King, as he returned from the Abyss.
Dark Warlord Slayer【闇の武王を討伐せし者】
Defeated the warlord Rodrick, a fallen king consumed by the Dark.
One-eyed Knight Slayer【隻眼の暗黒騎士を討伐せし者】
Defeated Sir Lanselot, High Champion of the Dark Knights of Lodis.
Slayer of One【第一ノ将を討伐せし者】
Defeated Vija, one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals.
Slayer of Two【第二ノ将を討伐せし者】
Defeated Enja, one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals.
Slayer of Three【第三ノ将を討伐せし者】
Defeated Maitreya, one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals.
Slayer of Four【第四ノ将を討伐せし者】
Defeated Ijana, one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals.
Slayer of Five【第五ノ将を討伐せし者】
Defeated Chandra, one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals.
Slayer of Six【第六ノ将を討伐せし者】
Defeated Vayu, one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals.
Slayer of Seven【第七ノ将を討伐せし者】
Defeated Indra, one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals.
Slayer of Eight【第八ノ将を討伐せし者】
Defeated Rakshas, one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals.
Slayer of Nine【第九ノ将を討伐せし者】
Defeated Ahurama, one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals.
Slayer of Ten【第十ノ将を討伐せし者】
Defeated Asurama, one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals.
Slayer of Eleven【第十一ノ将を討伐せし者】
Defeated Aditi, one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals.
Slayer of Twelve【第十二ノ将を討伐せし者】
Defeated Saranga, one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals.
Seal Breaker【封印の守護者を討伐せし者】
Defeated Kandyce, keeper of the seal.
Slayer of the Necromancer Lord【深紫の屍霊王を討伐せし者】
Defeated Blackmoor, the necromancer lord.
Slayer of the Sea Witch【海の魔女を討伐せし者】
Defeated Sirene, releasing Iuria from her spell.
Slayer of the Wind Watch【風の守護獣を討伐せし者】
Defeated the guardian Vainateya.
Slayer of the Earth Watch【土の守護獣を討伐せし者】
Defeated the guardian Nathalork.
Slayer of the Lightning Watch【雷の守護獣を討伐せし者】
Defeated the guardian Xolotl.
Slayer of the Water Watch【水の守護獣を討伐せし者】
Defeated the guardian Tlaloc.
Slayer of the Fire Watch【火の守護獣を討伐せし者】
Defeated the guardian Ifrit.
Slayer of the Ice Watch【氷の守護獣を討伐せし者】
Defeated the guardian Lynenstzel.
The Tragic King【悲劇の英雄王】
Brought peace to Valeria and ascended the throne, only to be brought down by an assassin on your coronation day.
The Blood Bound【修羅を往く者】
Brought peace to Valeria and ascended the throne, but the calm was not to last.
Savior of Valeria【ヴァレリアの英雄】
Brought peace to Valeria and helped Princess Versalia ascend the throne.
Captain of Fate【運命を知る者】
Ended the Heim Conflict in all three time lines.
Concord King【統一王】
Won the final battle in the Hanging Gardens without using the Chariot Tarot or retreating.
The Just【定めと共に歩む者】
Reached the Altar of the Beyond in the Palace of the Dead without using the Chariot Tarot or retreating.
Light Unto the Dark【魔に近づきし者】
Reached the Chamber of the Seal in the Palace of the Dead without using the Chariot Tarot or retreating.
Man of No Regrets【不惑の登頂者】
Reached the Central Garden in the floating ruins of San Bronsa without using the Chariot Tarot or retreating.
He Who Stop the Wheel【車輪を止める者】
Completed all Coda episodes without using the Chariot Tarot or retreating.
Hero Among Men【真の英雄】
Had fewer than twenty deceased units after the final battle in the Hanging Gardens.
Gifted Warrior【希代の知将】
Had fewer than twenty incapacitated units after the final battle in the Hanging Gardens.
Lord of the Battlefield【偉大なる戦術王】
Had fewer than ten deceased units after the final battle in the Hanging Gardens.
Master of Tactics【大いなる戦略王】
Had fewer than ten incapacitated units after the final battle in the Hanging Gardens.
Concord King Unbloodied【無血の統一王】
Had no deceased units after the final battle in the Hanging Gardens.
Hero King Unscathed【無傷の英雄王】
Had no incapacitated units after the final battle in the Hanging Gardens.