北米版タクティクスオウガ 運命の輪 亜人クラス
Demi-human Class
Divine Knight【ディバインナイト】 |
A mage-knight reincarnated through the use of an ensanguined rood, returning with powerful magics at their disposal. |
Hoplite【ホプリタイ】 |
A heavily armored footsoldier, typically bearing sword and shield which they use to defend their clan upon the battlefield. |
Juggernaut【ジャガーノート】 |
A destroyer upon the battlefield, wielding awesome power and the speed to employ it where it’s needed most. |
Patriarch / Matriarch【ペイトリアーク / メイトリアーク】 |
Adept at magic and capable leader on the battlefield. Wields magic powerful enough to impress even wizards. |
Familiar【ファミリア】 |
A minion of the cunning-folk able to attack and use utility spells to weaken foes and strengthen allies. Use them for defense, or as a decoy. |