北米版タクティクスオウガ 運命の輪 称号
Hero of Golyat【ゴリアテの若き英雄】 |
Rescued Duke Ronwey from imprisonment in Almorica Castle. |
Corpse Dancer【屍と踊る男】 |
Confronted the Necromancer Nybeth at Qadriga Fortress and put an end to his dark experiments. |
Freedom Fighter【ウォルスタの独立を望む者】 |
Spoke with Cistina at the Arkhaiopolis of Rhime and told her you fought for Walister freedom. |
Peace Seeker【真の平和を望む者】 |
Spoke with Cistina at the Arkhaiopolis of Rhime and told her you fought to secure peace throughout Valeria. |
He Who Fights Alone【共闘を拒絶する者】 |
Spoke with Cistina at the Arkhaiopolis of Rhime and told her you would never join forces with another faction. |
The Impassive【ことなかれ主義】 |
Allowed the Galgastani to kill Cistina at the Arkhaiopolis of Rhime because she was of another faction. |
Fallen Hero【汚れた英雄】 |
Refused to participate in Duke Ronwey’s heartless plan to massacre the innocents of Balmamusa, for which you were than blamed and made a wanted man. |
Butcher of Golyat【ゴリアテの虐殺王】 |
Carried out Duke Ronwey’s chilling plan to slay the five thousand innocents in Balmamusa. |
The Merciful【敵の命を救う者】 |
Came to Arycelle’s aid on Xeod Moors, even though she had once sought to take your life. |
The Unfaithful【親友に刃を向ける者】 |
Turned against Vyce, your lifelong friends, on Tynemouth Hill. |
Man of Proven Worth【身の証を立てし者】 |
Joined forces with Arycelle――one of the few who knew the truth of Balmamusa――and fought free of a trap laid by Vyce. |
Helpful Spirit【互助の精神を持つ者】 |
Agreed to help rescue Cistina from the pirates who took her captive. |
The Selfish【己を優先する者】 |
Refused to help rescue Cistina from pirates for fear your pursuers might catch you. |
Man Among Friends【仲間と共に進む者】 |
Befriended members of the Liberation Front at Boed Fortress. |
The Unhearing【受け入れざる者】 |
Refused to hear the pleas of the Liberation Front at Boed Fortress. |
The Hero Returned【帰還した英雄】 |
Heeded Sir Leonar’s entreaty to return to the Resistance. |
Man of Principles【理想を追い続ける者】 |
Refused Sir Leonar’s entreaty to return to the Resistance. |
Piratebane【無法者の敵】 |
Saved Xapan the Mercenary from pirates at Qadriga Fortress. |
Hand of Justice【殺戮王を破りし者】 |
Defeated Galgastani High Commander Gatialo at Tynemouth Hill. |
Man of Resolve【覚悟を持つ者】 |
Joined Sir Leonar in his plot to assassinate Duke Ronwey and seize control of the Resistance. |
He Who Shuns Duty【責から逃れる者】 |
Refused to support Sir Leonar’s plot to assassinate Duke Ronwey and seize control of the Resistance. |
Leader of Men【新たなる指導者】 |
Struck down Sir Leonar after he slew Duke Ronwey becoming the leader of the Resistance. |
Dark Knight Slayer【暗黒騎士を破りし者】 |
Slew the Dark Knight Oz at Boed Fortress and rescued Cerya. |
Miracle Worker【窮地を救う者】 |
Rescued Sir Leonar from imprisonment in Qadriga Fortress. |
Savior of the Dead【屍人の救済者】 |
Saved Sir Dievold and Oelias from a horde of undead at Port Asyton. |
Free of Souls【魂の解放者】 |
Defeated the Necromancer Nybeth at Ndamsa Fortress and freed the soul of Sir Gildas. |
Defender of Almorica【アルモニカの守護者】 |
Drove the remnants of the Galgastani army out of hiding in Golyat. |
Slayer of the Dying【亡国の残党を討ちし者】 |
Defeated Sir Xaebos, commander of the Galgastani army remnants, at Coritanae Keep. |
Man of Deeds【己の正義を貫く者】 |
Recaptured Coritanae Keep from the remnants of the Galgastani army to prevent the suffering of innocents. |
Untarnished Hero【汚れなき英雄】 |
Defeated Sir Xaebos, commander of the remnants of the Galgastani army, at Brigantys Castle. |
The Unflinching【定めに立ち向かう者】 |
Saved the blind swordsman Hobyrim from the Resistance on the Bahanna Highlands. |
He of Open Eyes【想いを託されし者】 |
Slew Sir Leonar in a duel at Coritanae Keep and learned of Duke Ronwey’s plot. |
Arbiter of the Game【陰謀を止める者】 |
Slew Sir Leonar at Coritanae Keep and learned of Duke Ronwey’s plot. |
Dark Knight Scourge【暗黒騎士を退けし者】 |
Defeated Oz at Boed Fortress and put the Dark Knights to rout. |
Man of the Sword【任務に徹する者】 |
Told the Galgastani you met at Brigantys Castle that the people of Galgastan were your enemy. |
Man of No Illusions【真の敵を知る者】 |
Told the Galgastani you met at Brigantys Castle that the people of Galgastan were not your enemy. |
The Conqueror【国を取る者】 |
Took Coritanae Keep and brought Hierophant Balbatos to justice. |
Destroyer of Galgastan【ガルガスタン軍を滅ぼす者】 |
Defeated Sir Xaebos, commander of the Galgastani army remnants, at Almorica Castle. |
He Who Walks In Darkness【闇を進む者】 |
Defeated the Bakram forces under the command of Dark Knight Ozma and rescued the blind swordsman Hobyrim at the Arkhaiopolis of Rhime. |
Southron Liberator【南ヴァレリアの解放者】 |
Drove the Dark Knight from Phidoch castle and wrested control of the south of Valeria. |
Blood-stained Hero【血塗れの英雄】 |
Journeyed to Brigantys Castle to parley with the Order of Philaha, but you were unable to avoid bloodshed. |
Man of Peace【平和主義者】 |
Journeyed to Brigantys Cstle, alone and unarmed, to parley with the Order of Philaha. |
Princess Slayer【王女殺し】 |
Brought about Catiua’s death in the battle with the Dark Knights at Barnicia Castle. |
Tragic Hero【悲運の英雄】 |
Captured Barnicia Castle only to watch as Catiua took her own life. |
Princess Savior【王女を救いし英雄】 |
Stormed Barnicia Castle and rescued Catiua from the Dark Knights. |
Bringer of Peace【内乱に終止符を打つ者】 |
Defeated Regent Brantyn at the Royal City of Heim, enabling Catiua to declare an end to the blood war. |
Bringer of Strife【覇道を歩む者】 |
Told your war council that the Resistance’s sacking of Heim was an unavoidable evil. |
Bringer of Order【秩序を正す者】 |
Told your war council that the members of the Resistance responsible for the sacking of Heim would be punished. |
Ruler of Valeria【ヴァレリアの指導者】 |
Allowed Catiua to die before the final battle at the Royal City of Heim. |
He Who Treads Holy Ground【聖地にたどり着きし者】 |
Left the treasure in the Pirate’s Graveyard undisturbed. |
Grave Robber【財宝の収奪者】 |
Plundered the treasure from the Pirate’s Graveyard. |
He Who Walks the Deeps【深淵へと踏み出す者】 |
Discovered the secret door on the third level of the Palace of the Dead, allowing access to the depths bellow. |
Necromancer Scourge【堕ちた魔術師を討伐せし者】 |
Defeated the Necromancer Nybeth who had embraced death and become a lich. |
Dynast-King Slayer【闇の覇王を討伐せし者】 |
Defeated Dorgalua, the Dynast-King, as he returned from the Abyss. |
Dark Warlord Slayer【闇の武王を討伐せし者】 |
Defeated the warlord Rodrick, a fallen king consumed by the Dark. |
One-eyed Knight Slayer【隻眼の暗黒騎士を討伐せし者】 |
Defeated Sir Lanselot, High Champion of the Dark Knights of Lodis. |
Slayer of One【第一ノ将を討伐せし者】 |
Defeated Vija, one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals. |
Slayer of Two【第二ノ将を討伐せし者】 |
Defeated Enja, one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals. |
Slayer of Three【第三ノ将を討伐せし者】 |
Defeated Maitreya, one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals. |
Slayer of Four【第四ノ将を討伐せし者】 |
Defeated Ijana, one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals. |
Slayer of Five【第五ノ将を討伐せし者】 |
Defeated Chandra, one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals. |
Slayer of Six【第六ノ将を討伐せし者】 |
Defeated Vayu, one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals. |
Slayer of Seven【第七ノ将を討伐せし者】 |
Defeated Indra, one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals. |
Slayer of Eight【第八ノ将を討伐せし者】 |
Defeated Rakshas, one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals. |
Slayer of Nine【第九ノ将を討伐せし者】 |
Defeated Ahurama, one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals. |
Slayer of Ten【第十ノ将を討伐せし者】 |
Defeated Asurama, one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals. |
Slayer of Eleven【第十一ノ将を討伐せし者】 |
Defeated Aditi, one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals. |
Slayer of Twelve【第十二ノ将を討伐せし者】 |
Defeated Saranga, one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals. |
Seal Breaker【封印の守護者を討伐せし者】 |
Defeated Kandyce, keeper of the seal. |
Slayer of the Necromancer Lord【深紫の屍霊王を討伐せし者】 |
Defeated Blackmoor, the necromancer lord. |
Slayer of the Sea Witch【海の魔女を討伐せし者】 |
Defeated Sirene, releasing Iuria from her spell. |
Slayer of the Wind Watch【風の守護獣を討伐せし者】 |
Defeated the guardian Vainateya. |
Slayer of the Earth Watch【土の守護獣を討伐せし者】 |
Defeated the guardian Nathalork. |
Slayer of the Lightning Watch【雷の守護獣を討伐せし者】 |
Defeated the guardian Xolotl. |
Slayer of the Water Watch【水の守護獣を討伐せし者】 |
Defeated the guardian Tlaloc. |
Slayer of the Fire Watch【火の守護獣を討伐せし者】 |
Defeated the guardian Ifrit. |
Slayer of the Ice Watch【氷の守護獣を討伐せし者】 |
Defeated the guardian Lynenstzel. |
The Tragic King【悲劇の英雄王】 |
Brought peace to Valeria and ascended the throne, only to be brought down by an assassin on your coronation day. |
The Blood Bound【修羅を往く者】 |
Brought peace to Valeria and ascended the throne, but the calm was not to last. |
Savior of Valeria【ヴァレリアの英雄】 |
Brought peace to Valeria and helped Princess Versalia ascend the throne. |
Captain of Fate【運命を知る者】 |
Ended the Heim Conflict in all three time lines. |
Concord King【統一王】 |
Won the final battle in the Hanging Gardens without using the Chariot Tarot or retreating. |
The Just【定めと共に歩む者】 |
Reached the Altar of the Beyond in the Palace of the Dead without using the Chariot Tarot or retreating. |
Light Unto the Dark【魔に近づきし者】 |
Reached the Chamber of the Seal in the Palace of the Dead without using the Chariot Tarot or retreating. |
Man of No Regrets【不惑の登頂者】 |
Reached the Central Garden in the floating ruins of San Bronsa without using the Chariot Tarot or retreating. |
He Who Stop the Wheel【車輪を止める者】 |
Completed all Coda episodes without using the Chariot Tarot or retreating. |
Hero Among Men【真の英雄】 |
Had fewer than twenty deceased units after the final battle in the Hanging Gardens. |
Gifted Warrior【希代の知将】 |
Had fewer than twenty incapacitated units after the final battle in the Hanging Gardens. |
Lord of the Battlefield【偉大なる戦術王】 |
Had fewer than ten deceased units after the final battle in the Hanging Gardens. |
Master of Tactics【大いなる戦略王】 |
Had fewer than ten incapacitated units after the final battle in the Hanging Gardens. |
Concord King Unbloodied【無血の統一王】 |
Had no deceased units after the final battle in the Hanging Gardens. |
Hero King Unscathed【無傷の英雄王】 |
Had no incapacitated units after the final battle in the Hanging Gardens. |