北米版タクティクスオウガ 運命の輪 地形
Desert【砂地】 |
The harsh rays of the sun have left this land bone dry. |
Ash【火山灰】 |
Piles of ash from volcanic activity cover this terrain. |
Smoke Plume【噴煙】 |
A plume of extremely hot, noxious smoke emerging from a crevice in the ground. |
Grass【草地】 |
The grass growing over this terrain is barely ankle-height. |
Scrub【草むら】 |
Grass and bushes below knee-height dot this terrain. |
Frost【氷原】 |
Plains covered in a sheet of ice. |
Snow【雪原】 |
New-fallen, untrodden snow covers this terrain. |
Rock【岩場】 |
Rocks jut from the surface of this terrain. |
Gravel【砂利】 |
Small rocks cover this terrain. |
Swamp【湿地】 |
Clumps of grass grow in the shallow muck covering this terrain. The shape of the land and the difficulty of traversal change with the weather. |
Basalt【溶岩石】 |
This ground is covered with rock formed by the cooling of lava. |
Tar【タール】 |
The viscous liquid pooling here is collected and made in to flaming pitch. |
Waterway【水路】 |
A channel made to convey water. |
River【川】 |
Cool, clear water flows through this natural waterway. |
Lake【湖】 |
A variety of fish and birds live in and around this body of water. |
Sea【海】 |
The beautiful sea, home to Saint-King Oberon. |
Lava【溶岩】 |
An eruption pushed this blisteringly hot magma out of the earth. |
Road【道】 |
A road made of ornamental cobblestones fit snugly together. |
Wooden Floor【木床】 |
Floor constructed from planks of milled wood. |
Stone Floor【石床】 |
Floor of hewn slabs of rock. |
Stone Wall【石壁】 |
Wall made of rock hewn into blocks. |
Stone Wall【石壁(神殿)】 |
This stone wall separates one room from another and forms a barrier to missiles and spells. |
Roof【屋根】 |
A well constructed roof to keep out the elements. |
Roof【屋根(侵入不可)】 |
A roof of wooden boards. The angle is steeper than it seems, making passage here impossible. |
Crystal【石英群晶】 |
These translucent mineral deposits formed naturally over many, many years. |
Quicksand【流砂】 |
This fine-grained sand flows like water. |
Ashen Soil【灰土】 |
Terrain of mixed dirt and ash. |
Underground Stream【地下水脈】 |
A cool-flowing underground stream. In some places, the water bears a salty tang. |
Mold【毒カビ】 |
This mold grows well in dungeons, and releases poisonous spores. Linger here, and you’ll be poisoned. |
Fetid Water【毒水】 |
This water has pooled too long in the dungeon, making it highly poisonous. Linger here, and you’ll be poisoned. |
Glyph【魔法陣(ドルガルア戦1)】 |
The floor here has been inscribed with diagrams and words possessing magical meanings. |
Glyph【魔法陣(ドルガルア戦2)】 |
Enchantments worked upon this place have created a gateway to the Abyss. |
Gate【封印の間へ続く道】 |
A place long sealed away by powerful magics. Even now, a mysterious light emanates from the area. |
Sky【空】 |
Nothing to walk on, only sky. Falling from here means death, or permanent rest for the undead. |
Pit【穴】 |
The bottom of this pit is too far down to see. Falling in here means death, or permanent rest for the undead. |